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October 2007
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January 2008

Strike hiatus prompts Hollywod writers to go it alone

Strike hiatus prompts Hollywod writers to go it alone

Will 2008 be a time to take action? What would you like to improve in your working life or conditions. Do you get treated the way you would like? Do you think you should be paid more? Join the debate and be heard. I sit on 2 committees within British Equity, The trade union is not just for actors. I will be taking any of the issues you raise directly to these committees in London, The Stage management Committee and the Independent Theatre Arts Committee (formerly Small Scale Theatre).

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This world and the virtual home land

Virtual Worlds BusinessCast is an insight in to the cutting edge of of virtual business and how big companies are exploring and investing in this technology. Mike O'hara the creator, author and presenter of VWBC, a musician in his own right, also podcasts unsigned bands and musicians. He embodies the pioneering spirit of inspiration that drives my passion to find out more about this vibrant growing world and leaves me to ponder how I can help Artists and creatives get the most out of this blossoming technology. If you have any interest in business and the virtual world or if you are curious how the real world can make the virtual world benefit business listen to these pod casts.

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