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Flock - The Social Web Browser

Flock_homepage_3 Different browsers have different strengths and uses. This is Flock, taglined as "The Social Web Browser". I use it to optimize my Internet browsing of social media, keep up to date with RSS feeds and engage with my online social networking platforms like Facebook and Twitter. It has a social feel about it and although I still use Explorer, Firefox and Opera during the course of my day Flock is so much more than just an Internet Browser. The other good thing is that its easy to use. I can keep an eye on my Facebook updates without having to go to the site, I can see if I have pokes, events, messages or friends requests. I can follow my Twitter stream, blog directly to my Typepad blog (this one), post articles to my Facebook profile, check my Gmail or Yahoo email, upload media, subscribe to RSS and check them, and with the handy icon bar across the top have quick access to all my social media accounts.Flock_peoplebar_3

The RSS reader is the feature I originally downloaded Flock for. One click of an RSS icon and Flock jumps into action.

Flock_iconbar_3Do you have a favourite Internet browser?

Using Flock also means that I don't get wrapped up in checking social media sites when I should be working as I make it a personal policy not to use other browsers for checking Facebook and the like.

AxisCommunity Informal No#4

  ‘Second Life – tour and insight into the future of virtual life’

Thursday 24th April 7.30pm @ CAST Bar Playhouse Theatre Nottingham
  Free event, no charge, no invitation needed, informal attire as usual

Thursday 24th April sees the fourth in AxisCommunity series of ‘Informals’, our social, and learning events. These free events are held always held at CAST bar (back bar behind the white panels), part of Playhouse Theatre Nottingham, 7.30pm-9.00pm. All events have the theme of getting on in business and your career, and a commercial return from the web.

Pcm_sl_logo This month’s speaker… is me!
Second Life expert (Their words not mine!), AxisCommunity citizen and all round star (I do try to shine and be helpful guiding influence!) doing a short talk and tour of Second Life. (Before I deliver the first of the Second Life Essentials workshops, Second Life Business Essentials
for The Axis Centre  at the end of June.)

The Thursday short talk will look at the following.

What exactly is Second Life?
Perplexed by what it is? Baffled by all the hype? Skeptical whether anybody will actually find the time to take part? Intrigued by the possibility of having your own alter ego living another life? Second Life is almost certain to become way more than a virtual playground for geeks, wierdos, tech heads and the bizarre. It’s already about business, commerce and entertainment, soon its going to be about everyday life from social relationships, to leisure and work.

At this months axis community you will get to ask all the questions you were afraid to ask about Second Life. What if you behave exactly how you wanted with no consequences? What if no one was going to discover your impropriety? Would it change you? It’s possible already to look at virtual art, visit a jazz bar if you are Hard Metal fan, sit on a mountain top watching digital sunsets if you are a man, fight to the death as a warrior, be an Elven Priestess, walk the world as a member of the opposite sex, get on down at a 80’s club. Hear Katie’s story from naive and constantly blushing princess to aspirations of radiant business Queen stopping by wide eyed and curious, speechless and shocked to head shaking surreal. A whirlwind tour of Second Life and the mad world that lies in between real life and total immersion. Its about drawing the line between Fantasy and Reality.

Come along and take a short and entertaining glimpse into this expanding world that may hold all sorts of interesting possibilities for you personally and professionally. (If you are in-world come over to Pilot Theatre's home hub you may catch the end of the tour at about 8.45pm)

I'm looking forwards to doing it. Nervous, but excited. I am hoping to stream live on to (Serch for pcmcreative in action if you what to log in to the show) network stability pending as Second Life may fill the pipe!