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Female profile at LeWeb

I tuned in to the livestream at the end of Cloudsplit, participated in the online chat and listened to the final hours of LeWeb from the comfort of my desk in the UK. Leweb-event-image1-300x199How cool is that! However; The panel discussions that unfolded were shockingly and blindly all male. At first I wondered if there were any women there at all but flicking through the on demand stored streams I did see a couple of women presenters.

Congratulation to them.

LeWeb Europe Group Gentlemen, if you are reading this your arrogance needs a sharp slap from a good women! (Play back the stream ladies you will get my drift if you watch the intro)

Do I want a Female LeWeb? or LaWeb as it became known in the online chat! No... female lead? maybe. I am opposed to "all women" events and networks and favour female delegations to mainstream events and networks instead. I have been aware of your organisation for sometime now but the explicitly female connotation niggles me. I do my best work when in a mixed gender team and flourish even further in male dominated teams. I have always worked in male heavy organisations.

I was delighted that Geraldine LeMeur was welcomed on stage with her team demonstrating that the backbone of the LeWeb event was a holistic whole. On stage and off stage infrastructure.The delivery team on reflection you will notice had a far better gender balance.

I don't object to men taking the credit due to them as industry innovators I just think we need a little more balance, a little more profile.

I must get along to a Next Women event. I'm really not at my best when in all female company. But seeing this event I really want to contribute to evening the balance.

Great blog post from Nextwomen -

Le Web archived streams available now on demand

AMA Digital Marketing Day - Sadlers Wells

I can tell you that half a bottle of red wine is not conducive to blogging! It was great to catch up with @adrianslatcher and the ins and outs of Manchester's Social Media cafe. Now I'm traveling back to Nottingham from St Pancras after a day of live tweeting and live stream chat on behalf of Amb:IT:ion and AMA (Arts Marketing Association) at Sadlers Wells. The AMA's Digital Day had the unweildy hashtag of #amadigitalday. The first lesson of the day, bare in mind an event tag consumes characters and when you only have 140 they are precious and even more so if you want to be re tweeted. Better tag would have been AMADD09 or amadd09 both would be returned in a search but with lowercase letters no shift key to hold. Yes tres lazy! This aside and off my chest...did I mention half a bottle of Red! The day was inspirational. Two of the keynote speakers, Jim Richardson and John McGrath were live streamed by the Amb:ITion team, Erin Maguire, Hannah Rudman and Moi. 

Available media

The streams are now available to view on demand.

*** link to stream on demand ****

Media created and tagged amadigitalday can be gathered using a simple Google search.

*** link to Google search ****

It is even possible to request to be updated if any new content is uploaded and tagged or includes the keyword amadigitalday is found by Google by subscribing to the RSS alert feed for this search.

*** link to RSS feed of the amadigitalday Google Alert ****

You have to rely on the human link to upload the content and to tag it appropriately. I took photos and Qik streams through out the day. The photos need uploading to Flickr and filtering to a widget and the Qik needs tagging and embedding.

*** link to the Flickr search on the tag amadigitalday ***

*** link to the Qik mobile streamed videos tagged amadigitalday ***

As  I travel home I'm preparing for my next presentation event. Social Media for public Sector on  Dec 3rd. When do I find time to aggregate? The more live archiving I can do the better. Adding tags and titles is not so straight forward but 10 minutes adding these details makes them searchable. Click the links above to see the collected media from the day.

Still... I've blogged and Twittered. Even if my blog is posted a few days later! Must try harder!