PCM in pictures - 2011
Creating a social media strategy for B2B organisations | Econsultancy

Mapping the social media landscape for 2011: infographic | Econsultancy

I love info-graphics. This one caught my eye with its progressive stats which reflect my own social dilemma. As social media platforms integrate, the connection with an audience is made easier. Building the audience with consistency is as real as ever and not directly digital but the social media mechanics evolve in our digital lives for both personal and professional activity. Combined with public and private implications 2012 will be an intersting year.

Some of the most interesting highlights are below. Here, Dream Systems Media presents the must-know numbers from the biggest and best networks, based on AdAge data.

  • Auto-posting to Facebook decreases likes and comments by 70%
  • B2C Facebook results go up by 30% on Sundays
  • 34% of marketers have generated leads using Twitter and 20% have closed deals using Twitter
  • 55% of people access Twitter via their mobiles
  • 40% of bloggers consider themselves professionals
  • 20% of searched on Google each day have never been made before
  • 56% of college students said that if they were offered a job by a company that banned social media use, they’d turn it down

see the infographic for full details:

via econsultancy.com

