A conference I attended at Leeds Open Space last year set this challenge to its delegates. "Make your own badge, make it unique and be creative."
What should a conference badge be? This was a great opportunity for self expression and the creation of visual elevator pitch to wear around your neck or pin to your lapel. Conversation objects are so valuable when you need to stand out from the crowd.
I was in information sharing mode so on reflection my badge is lacking creative flare.
Connecting identities online and offline is important to me so my name, my Twitter name and my Twitter avatar were vital components. Job title is a defacto but I loath it. The simplicity of my previous job, stagemanager was a role title. Within that role depending on the company, venue, director and production manager I worked under defined my actual duties.
Over the years these were wide ranging and diverse from lighting design to production relights, props and furniture acquisitions, prompt 'book' development and show calling to production running and Stagemanagement.
Now my preferred role title is Internet Adventurer and Explorer. It acts as a conversation starter and at its core is what I do. Advising and assisting business get the most from social media is what I do to generate an income to support my exploration of social technologies.
The nice thing about creating your own event badge is being able include shareable information, reports, eBooks or contact information.
A more recent TEDx event (TEDxNottingham) the organisers created every delegates badge by hand giving a welcoming attention to detail as they completed each badge with your name. Nice touch.
What innovative event badges have you encountered?