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SMA 2013 Conference

Collaborating and like minds... March Masterclasses


PCM podcasting

Knowledge Masterclasses vs Skills Workshops.

I spoke to Tom about why he wanted to run a series of Masterclasses. Who they were for and what value this tartget audience would get. You can listen to the audio snippets on AudioBoo.

I ran a series of social technology masterclasses with a rotating sylbus which worked really well enabling participants to attend on a regular day and fixed time slot or to attand a single day covering all the classes in one session. This was widely supported. I ran QRcodes, Crowsourcing, Geo/Gamification and Online ID. For these classes we desided to run them our side of business hours on the same night for 4 weeks.

The development of the workshops for a practitioner is a valuable activity. Partly to rationalise your own thinking and additionally to explore new business leads. The knowledge rationalisation is key for me which enables me to offer my existing clients greater support. 

So the next set is with Tom Geraghty. Tom is now the IT Manager at Capital FM Arena but we have been planning these masterclasses as he was moving to the new job. Its a great opportunity to meet a genuine on the job IT expert and rationalise your own. 

PhotoThis is a comprehensive set of classes where Tom will draw on his years of experience with tools, platforms and services to share his connective knowledge across the masterclass series.

Its been a delight to develop and the notion of gaining a rounded understanding to the Internet appeals to me greatly. 

I need to get over "what's in it for you". After all you are readng this. And you have got this far.

  • Sole Traders
  • Trades People
  • Small Businesses
  • Not for Profits
  • Community Interests Companies
  • IT workers
  • Web Designers
  • Social Media Consultants

For Example, I started working with a client 6 month ago who wanted to "do" social media. Social media is often expressed in terms of channels. The ground level infrastucture has to work effectively to enable a social layer to flow seamlessly with any existing IT within the business.

The primary issue here was with email and domain name ownership.The goal was to enable social media output to display on the businesses web page. The media being made. They also needed to receive comments and activity notifications which would be delivered to then via email. The email inbox held with the domain provider was very small and contantly reached apacity, most frquently over the weeked. They were using Outlook and collected emails manually by clicking send and recieve. The messages were then deleted from the server (mailbox). As a result the email was annexed in one desktop PC and unreachable remotely. The solution was to configure Google's Gmail to fetch all the email which could then be accessed on any machine or devise with an internet connection. The director can now access the email no matter where he is geographically. There are many other benifits to establishing channels and setting up appropriate cosistancy with all the Tools, Platform and Services with online identity and branding. 

Afterall, If you ever sell your business or intend to expand your web and IT Infrastructure will be considered an asset. Your online audience and their attention will increase the social capital value in the eyes of the purchaser or investor.

Come along to the Masterclasses. Give me a call to settle on the best one for you if your are unable to attend all four. 
