Positive Disruption - TEDxLaceMarketChange
SMA Conference 'on the ground' 2013

PCM update... April 2013 Who is looking after you?

It is April, How did that happen? Its the start of a new financial year. So its an opportunity for a re focused energy push. One of the things I dislike about being self employed is the constant hunt for new projects. Its my hope that in 2013 I can stay connected with the amazing people I have in my network and create a sustainable cash-flow. I have been working towards a retained client network consisting of 8 - 10 slots costing €80 each with 2 clients (with a project negotiated fee) running campaigns, events, making media either audio or video for web or newsletter content, commissioning real-time audience engagement or 'on the ground' advocacy programs at any one time. These campaigns enable me to apply the attention to detail to projects and people that I delight in as a project manager and an affordable retainer program delivering a monthly social media direction. Take a look at my PCM Monica Program for more information about working with "Monica" to look after you online.

All PCMproject clients are encouraged to think creatively and objectively about the impact of social business on their sales. Realistic expectations and measurable outcomes are vital and despite opinion to the contrary very simple to achieve. Setting a SMART target and goal is the key.

One "PCM Adventurer" Paul Edwick, MD at FairyGlam drives product sales of their LucyLocket brand through outlet distributors including the toy shop of toy shops Hamley's and ecommerce through LucyLocket.co.uk. Most recently they have entered the Amazon marketplace.

Social Media for this family business is about being social within the business and with it's customers (they have embraced cloud computing and online collaboration platforms which integrate with sales and CRM infrastructure software Netsuite), they are pursuing stories guided by the ethics of the LucyLocket brand (Paul recently returned from Indonesia where the LucyLocket dresses are make and hand decorated) and developing web content to drive interest in LucyLocket products with out overt selling to children. After all its the grown-ups who's money gets spent! This links also to the fun aspect that social media presents for them, being able to talk directly to their customers. Facebook has emerged as the home of the LucyLocket faithful responding to news of new products and photo opportunities for their little angels.

Paul also sees social media as an opportunity to create responsibly curated campaigns to nurture young girls' sense of the wider world. Previous projects with PCM have included an eBook aimed at Dads with young daughters from previous relationships. "Lucy Locket and the Magic Wand" sees young Lucy spending her birthday with her Dad but conversation turns to more serious matters when her present, a LucyLocket Fairy Dress and wand can't magic her Mum and Dad back together. The photo picture book series was to feature a competition winner staring as Lucy in each book, (the pilot eBook starred the writers niece) along side products subtly woven in to the story and backdrops. The books objective was to enable Dads to talk about the relationship between himself and his daughters Mother.

Paul's personal interests connected with the business are followed using Linkedin Groups and participating in forums in Linkedin, commenting on industry and national news sites and on influencers blogs. This dialogue has been a rewarding experience developing his network and furthering his understanding of the industry he works within, it's most recent develoments and emerging influencers.

The LucyLocket Internet Safety Portal is a knowledge resource collated from around the web with content contributed by the LucyLocket team to provide a portal for parents and guardians with little one to support them keeping thier children safe online. There is a link via the LucyLocket logo to the ecommerce site but no products on the portal site. The identity is conveyed through the branding.

The PCM and LucyLocket latest project draws on multiple media strands, a product, an topic for conversation, customer engagement within social media and a legacy information portal. There will is a Facebook Photoshoot event in June at Wetley Rocks. Faires vs Princesses. More about that soon.

Working with Paul and his family is a joy. As a social media advocate it is my job to help my client discover platforms, tools and services in an unbiased way with the aim of facilitateing thier expactations of observing their social media endevoures being reflected in thier bottom line. This is not always as tangible as money but value is subjective. You must decide the worth.
