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FutureFest 2015 - Future Democracy

The Politics of Hope - Owen Jones

Owen Jones - FutureFest 2015
The Politics of Hope

I have seen Owen Jones taking part in several panel discussions on television and the opportunity to hear him speak at FutureFest this year was a hi-light for me. A lot of attention was gained by Edward Snowden's appearance via Google+ but for a trade union member and social technologist Owen's talk did not disappoint.

I was at FutureFest for just one day and planned my time meticulously. As a dyslexic I use the assistive technology 'Livescribe' and the audio I captured I'd like to share with you.

Please listen to Owen Jones's Politics of Hope talk. It's 24 mins 18 secs - I'm happy to continue this post as a discussion in the comments if anyone is interested.


#FutureFest - paperless

Do you have a QR code scanner of choice? Do you have a QR code scanner at all? What about creating them? If you don't use QRcodes what about link shorteners like For the leap of uber geekery, where do you stand on augmented reality?

I am always looking to optomise and declutter, part of that is not acquiring more. 

IMG_0299Heading to FutureFest on Sunday my thoughts turn to packing and preparing to be present. Business cards are a staple, but if my card collection and networking experience is anything to go by I tend to exchange tweets, exchange email via DM (direct message) and meet for coffee if a work collaboration is really on the cards.

I do like cards and have quite a collection! I tend to attend events in many capacities so getting a one size fits all card is always problematic.

I do meet people who are far more interested in the projects I've worked on and supported rather than me so I used to carry a few project packs or booklets in a folder.

Now I carry a key ring. (see picture above) I like to share and distribute the project findings, especially in same sector conferences.

On the digital key ring are the following

The TLOEOLT - The League of Extraordinary Online Talent - Brochure on Scribd

@pcmcreative - @PhilCampbell - @DanielRoseArt ... The Team 


The Great thing with these is I can update the brochures, even change the links at not extra cost.

There is also a geo-location feature that enables me to see where the scan was made. This is particularly useful with unique codes on posters or printed materials. 

PCM social web assistant program - MONICA brochure on Scribd


This would be brochure number two I'd be carrying around. Its the consultancy service I offer and I tend to be at conferences to represent client projects and not to promote myself. If anyone asks I'm prepared if I have a code that can be scanned. I'm looking for clients with a spirit of tech adventure. It they have a scanner it tells me a lot about their mind set.

The 2014 Audiences Europe PDF case studies to share the Open All Areas audience development research findings resulting from the Creative Europe Grundvig Funded program. 

There are 13 reports in this set of PDF's they have been collected on ISSUU in a 'stack'. Access and downloads can be tracked. Data and use stats can only be a good thing?



A QR code makes sharing so much easier!
PCMcreative QR code contact detailsI also have one with my contact details, including a follow link to Twitter and G+ plus a YouTube video showcasing the Livestream continuity studio, which is part of the Digital Audience Experience I'm working on right now.
I've got a few more QR codes... There is also the event app for Arts and Audiences created with Bizzabo and a code for the Bizzabo app itself. Only thing I can't have a code for is a QR code reader!
So I wonder if anyone at #FutureFest will have a quick draw QR code reader?

#FutureFest - On your marks...

NESTA asserts to be the UK’s innovation foundation. They say it “uses FutureFest to gather some of the most radical thinkers, makers and performers together to create an immersive experience of what the world might be like in decades to come.” Is it audience or participants they want? Where does the line get drawn between speakers sharing, industry networking, sector research, practitioner showcases and the general attendees experience?

FutureFest is designed as a multi-format festival, which gives visitors ample opportunity to take self-guided journeys. Is life not a self guided journey? This event, like any event needs linear thought. Conferences do tend to run multi-threaded programs. You can't be everywhere and as nice as the OpenSpace ‘rule of two feet’ is, it isn’t a solution for indecision.

FutureFest tell us on their site "The programme will span discussions, performances, installations and interactive experiences. Attendees will be engaged as active participants, informed and challenged to explore and formulate their own vision of the future.” So we are promised engagement, information and provocation encouraging us to determine what the future will look like from where we stand today looking forward with the explorations that are taking place.

This position is important. Where we are now. This impacts on the understanding we have in the future. We are all aware that the generation classified as ‘Millennials’ are categorised by their perspective on technology, that they don’t know what the world was like before the dawn of the pervasive web. A similar generation would have been those who had no living memory of life without the electric light switch. Going forward a defining era will be that a generation will emerge with no living recollection of a time without augmented reality.

The physical senses are important and this is clear to me as I look at the FutureFest program and plan out my time. How will they, the organisers engage me in these sessions, in the event itself? What information will they provide? How will they challenge my perspective? Will they shape my thinking? Will it impact my work? Will it help me?

I have a ticket for the Sunday only thanks to Body>Data>Space

This is where I plan to be (defined by the purple outlines).


Rocketbook - Dyslexics & Scribblers, you need one of these.

Potentially, the only notebook you will ever need to buy, ever again. I kid you not. You don't need a special tech pen, but you do need to use Pilot Frixion pens. I can't wait to get mine. 

"Rocketbook allows people to enjoy the pleasure of writing in a traditional paper and pen notebook, while digitizing all notes and sending them to the cloud, without introducing any special electronics." says the campaign page.

image from

 Cool or what?

Go check it out

image from

Women Shift Digital - Catalyst Event - Nov 2014


Conferences don't just happen. This was a catalyst event, A meeting of key influences identified by the lead organiser Ghislaine Boddington from Body>Data>Space. She invited to a half day workshop around 80 people to brainstorm where the event WomenShiftDigital should head next. If WomenShiftDigital, Body>Data>Space or Robots and Avatars is new to you I captured on my Livescribe pen this introduction at the event's opening where Ghislaine provides a little insight into the history of the projects and how they sit together. Its just a few minutes and you can hear me taking notes. As a Dyslexic I couldn't live without my Livescribe pen. Thought I'd share this. Ghislaine puts it much better than I can transpose!

WSD opening intro by Ghislaine Boddington

IMG_3786After the opening introduction and context the audiences was presented with a series of presentations headlined as provocations. All of these aimed to interrogate the following.

- What does the word creative mean today in the digital context?

- How many companies in the, so called Creative Industries are fully aware of the process of creativity at play in their work?

- What is the connection of the experimental arts and the creative culture sector to the expansion of creativity in the digital realm?

- Would the heightened recognition of the importance of creativity within digital innovation, encourage more women and girls to work in the technology sector?

This was followed by several round table discissions.

This was a gender balanced call asking us to look at 'the scheme of things' right now. Not women standing together in a struggle, but men and women together standing to promote a cause and work towards a solution.

Only with women, men and a common understanding of the issues facing the cause, the low uptake of women in the technology sector and STEM amongst other concerns discussed at the WomenShiftDigital catalyst event do we progress. In this case to contribute our thinking to an evolving event WomenShiftDigial to take place in May 2015.

I had become aware of the Robots and Avatar project when Audiences Europe showcased at the Culture in Motion - European Audiences 2020 and beyond. Getting involved and networking within the sector with practitioners and producers is vital for me to understand the cultural context of being present and proactive in this fast moving tech centric society.

There was a brochure from the European Audiences 2020 and beyond lots of amazing projects.

I look forward to following this event (WomenShiftDigital) and hope to be part of it as it unfolds and develops.


Reviving the High Street - @philcampbell - Sittingbourne - Nov 2014

There is much talk about independent high streets and the behemoth multi national superstores invading the gentility of shopping. Don't know why, but wicker baskets with cotton covers and visits to the butchers comes to mind. Pats of butter being wrapped in grease proof paper and dusty loose leaf tea in boxes. I am not that old (42), but often we are nostalgic far beyond our years!

Bringing social, breathing life into the modern retail environment of shopping is a huge challenge. And I think Phil Campbell has an affordable, digital-social, retail compatible solution which he talked about when invited to talk about ThePiStreet in Sittingbourne last November at 21st Century High St & Town Centre's half day seminar hosted by Kent Design.

I always enjoy Phil's delivery he is always knowledgeable and like me often rambles. But unlike me he is very good at staying on topic. This is a 15 min video edited down from 25 mins. It's a good overview of what PiStreet is and what it's been up to. Phil is currently developing the ideas and lessons learnt from the pilot installations in Nottingham and Derby as he continues to explore social technologies and representing big data in a meaningful way for audiences and the general public at large.