6 Things you might not know about in Twitter
Social Media for Stage Production

Lots of Twitter activity at your event? HowTo - Storify it

image from www.gizbot.com

Platform / Service Websitewww.storify.com

Available on Desktop from a browser and it has an app for iPad.

 The screenshots in this post have been captured and annotated using Skitch

Storify it - Share it - Embed it 

Sign up for FREE Storify account.




Once you have signed up I recommend finding the account settings and completing your profile, adding a photo and cover banner. Storify doesn't have an internal platform community it's a platform tool, but readers can follow your account and like-wise you can follow storify publishers.

What is useful is the profile URL. This is mine - https://storify.com/pcmcreative

Its not compulsory but it makes you look professional in the eyes of your audience. First impressions do count. Let your content speak for you not the neglected, incomplete profile pages. 

(aside... I also dislike badly cropped avatar images. There is no excuse for
butchering your branch graphic or having a badly framed head-shot...
check out browser based image editor Pixlr)

But if you are in a big rush to create your first Storify go ahead and click the 'New Story' button.


The Storify interface is nice and clean. Not too fussy but it does contain lots of features mainly to help you bring in content from a wide range of social media platforms.

In this post I'm just looking at finding media from one event posted on Twitter using the Hashtags #ARC15, #ARC2015 and the keyword EquityUK.

Storify Basics... title, description, Social Media source, search term, refinements, build your Storify.


Use the 'Insert' button for adding headings, text boxes and horizontal rule lines to divide sections in your narrative.


The simplicity of Storify's click, hold, drop and drag mechanic, left column to right, click and hold on media element, dragging up and down, placing items above or below one another is so easy. Do remember browser based apps can become unresponsive due to the nature of the internet connection you are using while moving graphic elements around. If the platform stops fully responding to your clicks and drags - pause, check the project has saved (that status displays beside the Publish button) and refresh your screen. Better loose a little than loose the lot.


The screenshots above show searching and adding elements from Twitter. Creating a Storify of this event in pictures was the aim. Media can be collected from lots of other sources. Even individual URL's (universal resource locators) like the .jpg graphic being inserted shown below.

Storify accommodates (and a few others)

  • Soundcloud
  • Facebook
  • Google+
  • YouTube
  • Flickr
  • Instagram
  • Google Searches
  • RSS feeds

There are lots of platforms, tools and services for media capture especially. I tend to favour ones that easily integrate with and offer sharing to the major audience focused platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Google+) and platforms such as Storify do that brilliantly while making media accessible when telling your story.


Once all the media elements / assets are dragged where you want them its time to curate the storyline of your project. Dragging further than one element up or down can get tricky as your screen scrolls by while you look for the location to slot in an element you want to relocate. The Reorder optional view makes rearranging a lot easier.


Very quickly you can have a document for publication. Look at the draft preview before publishing.


All done... you can add more elements at your leisure.


The next step and a reason why I love Storify is being able to notify via custom tweets the people who have contributed to the story you have pieces together. Storify finds all the twitter names and helps you share to those who will want to share it too.

Effortless, contextually relevant, content rich, audience exposure.



Being able to embed your Storify projects, just as you can from YouTube, is another great feature. Embed your Storify on your website or in a blog post.


This is how the embed code was inserted in to this post. 




Here it is...

The Embedded Storify - Equity ARC 2015 in Pictures
