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Introducing Election Daze

Election_Daze_-_Birmingham_-_Birminghamcover image from ImpactHub Birmingham's promotional page for this event and venue hosts for Birmingham's Election Daze event.

The first Election Daze event is taking place in Birmingham tomorrow (May 8th) just days after a round of local elections and now just a month before the UK once again turns out to vote.

Lloyds invitation is "Come and have the conversation about politics that you’ve been desperate to have."

This video was my opportunity to share with you the calm reflection in which Lloyd approaches his work as a social artist. As both consumer and creator of culture I agree with Lloyd that it is we who have to determine the parameters of the conversation and take it to those in a position to manifest our cultural conscience.

The question at the centre of all the Election Daze events is, The question we’ll be working on is simple: “What are we going to do about politics?”

Not How or Who or When but What.

Show Links
Lloyds Blog - Perfect Path

Election Daze facebook group

The Election Daze Reporting Hub

Eventbrite Page for May 8th OpenSpace event

Underscore Music: