Challenging in a SafeSpace
#ACMC21 - Dates in the Diary - pt2

The Art of Reclaimed Time

A large part of wanting to be more mindful was to reduce the mindlessness. The time between the times I start reflecting on being mindful. The awareness of mindlessness was predominantly associate with mobile device activity and more specifically when scrolling through and checking notifications in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Over the years, I have been on social media since 2007 I have noticed I engage less and less. Since lockdown the mindlessness was becoming mind numbing. I craved coherent hashtags with dialog, insight and debate which often came with conference coverage. I was finding less and less I wanted to read.

Selecting Mindfulness was also an attempt to reactivate my attention span. Work life balance can’t be living what you do enough to merge it without reluctance into your leisure.

Time to craft and make is one think I wanted to find time for. Reading fiction and non fiction is another.

I have felt this weekend with the mindfulness during my working week the compulsion to create for the first time in a long time. I alway take material with me on holiday to prepare for craft time. Crochet and Circle Loom knitting are my handcrafts. I like to make hats and bags. Cost of materials and time just prevented me doing them. I have materials on hand but not for a big project. I need to know I have the time and mindset to make and complete a project. 
Then there is skill and practice. There is a refresh needed and an attention required. There are accommodations for Dyslexia too. Counting is difficult and a slower pace is usually necessity.
I have been swatching.

I have leant a new crochet technique.

Here are the swatches

This pattern led crochet is called Mosaic Crochet. I’ll be using the oddments of wool to practice before exploring colour and patterns 

My inspiration is series on YouTube.

Tinna Þórudóttir ÞorvaldarTextile artist and crochet designer from Iceland. Crochet, embroidery, yarnbombs and just all kinds of colorful happiness. All my links
