Rinse and Repeat - Being Present
February 19, 2021
Challenging myself to blog daily is as much about mindfulness as it is personal continuity and sustainable consciousness. Breaking down my thinking resulting from my activity and recollections of the day to produce a single piece of writing.
Short and to the point finding a simple, easy frictionless method to publish.
I’ve had a blog on Typepad since 2007. I am too familiar with bloggers guilt. Having a blog but not posting to a schedule fitting the inner desire to articulate the world.
Blogging via email has always appealed to me. I’m currently composing posts on my mobile using Apple Notes. This is copied and pasted into an email. That is emailed to Typepad. On my phone I navigate through the chrome browser app to the my Typepad blog dashboard. The post is reviewed and an image inserted. Basic SEO is applied before its republished.
It’s simple, casual and importantly taking little effort.
I don’t write to be read. I write to be present. That’s not to say I don’t desire an audience or a deep dialogue surrounding the posts I write.