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Get a Grip - on Analytics

Anicca Digital - Webinar


“Bringing together Google Analytics and Data Studio for Website Analysis.”

I really need to get to grips with Google Analytics. Into my inbox came a webinar notice from Anicca Digital. Before the lockdown I’d be over to Leicester to a few meet-ups and since working with Spark Arts for Children who are just across the street from where Anicca Digital events took place I’m looking forward to making a two birds one stone journey once lockdown lifts and events begin to happen.

The webinar was way beyond my comprehension but I experienced a me webinar platform BigMarker. So many questions there. I do like discovering new tools and setting them against the ones securely in my current toolset.

An archive of previous sessions is a benefit of webinar style services. A link to the archive was posted in the chat. This one caught my eye.

The back to basics


While I watch that and begin my journey here are my notes from “Bringing together Google Analytics and Data Studio for Website Analysis.”

Data studio was the main topic. As it was the first time I’d heard about it I listened best I could and later found it in the Google Analytics Dashboard. Tag Manager is necessary in order to create meaningful reports in Data Studio. 

My attention turned to proverbially starring at the lights and speakers while hoping elements of use would settle in my mind as foundation data on which to build understanding. The goal being to, watch back this webinar and understand it and implement it.

The ‘we are live, hello’ moment got a 4/10 but followed a 10/10 use of polls to evaluate the expertise in Google Analytics in the room. It was good to know I was not alone.


It was also nice not have camera pressure. I also liked the chat having Public, Private and Twitter as well Q&A, Polls and Handouts.

Propinquity doffs it caps again. A traditional webinar excels for learning. Video conferencing for meetings, Webcasts streaming shows and extending audiences and livestream broadcast for camera to cloud mass reach. The immersion, interaction, participation, relation between stage and screen, audience and studio, the experience between those present impacts the perception.
