PCM Packages - tied up with a big purple crypto silk ribbon.
Neurodiversity Affinity - #Dyslexia and All

#ResetBetter - fix the workplace post COVID.

It’s important to support fellow professionals especially when they also support entry to the profession. Thanks to Mark Shayle, a member of the OLB, Showcaller and a stage manager of many varieties. Our circles move in tandem SM circles over the years and the Equity SM dialogue would benefit from these networks and dialogues I support.

The first event Reset Better @ResetBetter Asked... Could our industry return to a better work/life balance following the Pandemic of 2020/21?


Reset Better is a grassroots entertainment industry campaign initiated by members of the PMF (Production Managers Forum) following conversations concerning the workplaces we will return to. Can this pause from covid provide an opportunity to make the workplace ‘better’?

The phrase ‘we’ve always done it this way’ has often left many of our co-workers in Stagemanagement burnt out and mentally scarred as they compete in workplaces with long hours, low pay and are often confronted by a lack of respect for their part in creating world beating art.

They have produced a Reset Better Charter & set of Principles to promote a different and improved way of working in the industry. 

I’ll be looking at the charter in a Lunchtime Livestream episode in the next few weeks.


“Process, practice, change” - A "Reset Better "

Practical steps to work smarter and in more human-centric ways as we begin to plan the return to our theatres after the pandemic.

The Production Managers Forum and Rose Bruford College combine forces for their second Zoom panel session on the topic of Reset Better , looking at ways we can work smarter and in a more human-centric way as we begin to plan the return to work.

A panel discussion bringing Industry and Education together to look at ways to rebuild our sector with a focus on people.

This was a second session in a series discussing ways forward to change the traditional culture of putting on a show, and outlining a better way of working for everyone.

Reset Better aims are to promote cultural change and challenge the way we traditionally produce theatre. 

The Charter seeks to find ways to promote five-day working weeks, two-session days, job flexibility, and smarter working practices for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Dropped in the zoom chat was The SM Nest @TheSMNEST event taking place directly after.

An opportunity to hear SM share SM stories to SM’s

This was the first in a series of 6 titles CTA - ‘Chance To Ask’ Ballet & Dance Stage Managers. A panel of experts fielding great questions.

Skills most prised, most bizarre prop, sterling insights to being a stage manager specifically working with Dancers. 


Above is the series 2 topics

Here is their series one playlist

Here is the NestSM socialshttps://linktr.ee/TheSMNEST

The next CTA is ‘Chance To Ask: Immersive and Site Specific Stage Managers’ on the 25th March @6PM. https://fb.me/e/21sTpLB0a
