Digital Field Trip - Legend Quest
May 01, 2021
VR stole my video game future! Only in 2019 when Oculus Quest opened the VR door again to me.
Back in the early 90’s I would ride pillion over to Nottingham with a friend to play the Game and work on the front desk for game time. Legend Quest was situated at the bottom of Goose Gate just before the junction diagonally from Berlin’s.
Timeframe: 00.00 - 05.26
My Legend Quest keys.
It was the early experiences with mind enthralling opportunities like Legend Quest in the early 90’s that led my technology fascination in performative suspended disbelief. The forest decor evolved over a period of a few years. Finding the YouTube video was a real find.
The immersive 360 taught me to look up before entering a VR room when navigating a level. It was a time before my conscious time. This new reflection on my technological perspective. Discovering my legacy. I have its ephemera in boxes.
VR is coming, has come of age? It’s a major influence in my theatre producing. This series of Digital Field Trip blogs are plotting my memories through moments I touched technology that changed my thinking.