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Berners Lee NFT the Web’s source code is up for sale to the highest bidder.

The original thought conceiving web as we know it is up for Auction. In 7 days the digital gavel falls

An NFT minted to tokenise the collection of assets being offered as tangible representation of what we all know as hypertext the “Click Here” of all click here’s!

The ultimate Babe Ruth baseball card.


You have to admit it’s a bit cool? Just me?

The Story

Sotheby’s Catalogue entry

What is for sale?




Sotheby's online June 30NFT of www source code (lot 1) added in Inventions. Sale NFTN05 landing page, bidding from June 23

The NFT Blockchain platform 

Is this it? The smart contract?

Is this it? The token? 

So anyone who can clarify feel free to expand.--

Headliner evolution - closed captioning got more awesome


I love it when platforms and service I use evolve. It can be frustrating when you are mid project but returning to a innovative trusted service to discover its way better that you left it is great.

This is what happened with Headliner.

Headliner is an audio to wave form visuals generator for podcasts and it now has closed captioning.
And more. And it has an app!

Making media often combines several platforms, tools and services. 
Working with storyteller Tim Ralphs combining Headliner will be a tool providing some of the foundation narration visuals.

There is a free forever tier, $9.99 & $25.99 p/mth (less if you sign up for the year) I tend to use services on a project by project basis until my consecutive use makes it worth the annual investment.
Time limit inside a single account is the confines of Headliner when using the transcription feature. 5 videos only 10 mins p/mth transcription.


Quickly grab people’s attention and let them know podcast audio playing with one of our awesome audio visualizers

Unlimited Videos

Promote your podcast with as many videos as you want, optimized for every social media channel

Full Episode

Publish your entire podcast episode (2-hour max) to YouTube and engage new audiences

Audio Transcription

Automatically transcribe audio to add captions to your videos to increase engagement and accessibility

Video Transcription

Headliner can transcribe from video too! If you’ve got content, we can help you add captions

Audio Clipper

Select clips of your podcast audio that are perfectly optimized for each social channel

Multiple Sizes

Export your videos in the optimal size for each social network and beyond

1080p Export

Look great on screens large and small with full high-definition video

Text Animation

Choose from tons of text animations or create your own to add extra visual interest to your videos

Yes... Standing on the horizon.

Today I was offered and accepted a place on the CGO Institute’s Creative Producers Diploma which starts 1 Nov 2021

From the January 2020 line in the sand, all through the Pandemic and the lockdowns I’ve be heading to this moment.

Chris Grady (Mr CGO) was my first induction to Zoom as Covid hit. I’d been eager to attend Producers Pool Meet-ups but never managed to be in London at the right time to be in the right place.

Producers Pool ‘pivoted to digital’ and I couldn’t be happier. I encountered so many amazing talents all with there own paths, projects and productions.

Through Producers Pool I met Kate McStraw and secured my first producers assistant role.

So it begins


Keeping Tabs - Chrome geekery joy

I favour Chrome as my primary browser. I’m a Firefox advocate and recently appreciate the intelligence of Ghostery’ browser offer.

Chrome operates across all my devices providing a portal to my cloud apps, services, tools and online documents... oh and the World Wide Web!

I open and close tabs to keep track and focus on the client project or production I’m working on. I clear the decks and move on next day.

Clearing my toys and getting out the next game, changing the set takes mental energy. Stopping and starting. You get the picture.

Enter Chrome Tabs stage left!

I’d flirted with Chrome extension OneTab and the like but they never became habitual. 
Want to play? Right click a chrome tab. New items in the menu! “Add tab to new group”. A coloured button appears (you can name) and the colour will outline and underline the collected tabs as you add them.

Thank you Helen Raw for the heads up on this. 

Once you have the optimal set up make sure you update your settings so that “On start-up” is set to “Continue where you left off”.

Click the group button and as if by magic all the tabs assigned to the group tab compress to a single tab neatly named and coloured. It’s very satisfying.

I have one for Email providers which used to be my opening tabs (Heart Internet, Hyper.Host and Gmail - My web mail) One for co-working (Teemy, Kumospace and Whereby) followed by tab groups for each of my current client which consist of an array of Google docs.