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‘Leaving Do’ for AltSpace @39 Whitfield Street

Farewell AltSpace @39WhitfieldStreet - cover

The sun is setting on Cybersalon’s first metaverse presence built in AltSpace. In November 2022 Cybersalon used this VR and Browser-accessed metaverse to augment a virtual attendance option to launch a self published book of short  speculative fiction stories in a book called “22 Ideas about the Future”.

Guardian_OnLine_Sep_08_1994In 1994 the first internet cafe, Cyberia, a new point of presence came into existence after several false starts so a Guardian article from Sept 1994 reflects. (see article right)  article link

In July 2022 a project began to take the legacy and reminiscence storytelling of Cyberia to a new dimension, the metaverse, with its Cybersalon present day maverick, tech savvy community. AltSpace @39 Whitfield Street was conceived. Other platforms were considered but in the autumn of 2022 Microsoft’s VR metaverse AltSpace offered the most comprehensive facilities for hosting events.

The intention was always to make 39 Whitfield Street a multi-presence metaverse experience. Establishing the AltSpace presence was the first toe in the water. This farewell soiree begins in AltSpace and will retire for a first look and conversation in it's 22 Ideas Lounge in metaverse platform Spatial.

39 Whitfield Street in AltSpace is a faithful reconstruction of Cybersalons first bricks and mortar Cyber Cafe “Cyberia” which opened at 39 Whitfield Street in Central London in 1994. Cybersalong hosted 3 events in AltSpace before the announcement came on Jan 10th 2023 that the platform would sunset on March 10th. So before our fun starts it is to come to an end, in AltSpace at least.

Join us for a farewell to 39 Whitfield Street in AltSpace. Bring your 39 Whitfield Street Cyberia recollections. Last chance to don a Paper Hat and visit Hallidonto’s exhibited works. Join Eva and a few choice guest speakers for this end of the world soiree!

This is not the end! 

Thursday 9th March 

7pm - 9pm

Event Programme / timeline

18.30 - Zoom opens  (Audience Zoom link - On Request)

18.45 - AltSpace event destination opens - Destination Code - TXA241

19.10 - Welcome

19.05 - Soiree

20.00 - Chill out and Chat (AltSpace)

20.30 - Thank you and Farewell Altspace

20.30 - Spatial 22 Ideas Immersive Lounge opens

22.00 - Cybersalon Event Ends
