MediaCampBucks & Equity's ARC in one weekend - Part one
May 26, 2008
Armed with a camcorder courtesy of Axis Community I stepped up to document in moving images my MediaCamp trip and my ARC extravaganza. On Saturday 17 May at Buckingham New University MediaCampBucks exploded in to life at 9.30am and rocked on until midnight.
I began with Carmen Boscolo and Julius Solaris Speed Networking. Captured a Seesmic coup causing Nik Butler, Phil Campbell and Christian Payne much excitement when Harrison Ford logged on and was answering question live, caught a session led by Dan Thornton and Michael Clarke talking about evangelising using social media and corporate blogging. Participated in a usability test for Julia Gaimster's social media platform for artists called SketchBook before running my own session taking mediacampers on a whirlwind tour of Pilot Theatre's Second Life presence. Next I attended Nik Butlers "Fishing in the Social Media Stream" extolling the uses and giving practical tips and tricks for anyone interested in Twitter. I got that on audio. It was a good session. Next came Pete Cooper retrospective of a past venture "the dirty little secrets of" and I finished the day discussing the virtues and longevity of the good old Email with Chris Hambly. Somewhere in there we plotted, streamed and giggle heartily when with the aid of only a laptop and mobile phone we created our very own homage to the Rick Roll which I expect is still on Bambuser even now! If this weren't enough to exhaust my tiny little mind we had an evening of live entertainment from Mike O'hara and the bands who have played The Acoustic Fishbowl.
What a day! Next mediacamp is in London on July 5.
I'll post footage and pics and audio when my life slows down a bit!
I'll tell you about the rest of that weekend in another post soon.