I have not done battle with a windows PC in a while. The days of continually dancing with memory management, temporary folder emptying, defragmentation etc etc. I am not qualified to be anywhere near the run command entering regedit or sys anything! And all because the physical memory in my little windows 10 Acer laptab is running high and yet running very little.
With only 2GB of memory I suspected that might have something to do with it.
For day to day I’m an unapologetic Mac fan.
I made the transition precisely because of the above!
But for additional computing and to keep my basic Windows familiarity skills I or Windows only required services I do have a couple of windows laptops.
So what did I do and did I succeed in making my little laptab functional? Back in the day when all my computing PC tech was with Windows I wanted the most efficient running machine. Every action lowered the optimal. And it never stopped. In the end it was the noise of the cooling fans that turned the page.
I did not miss the registry hacks to force the virtual memory to extend beyond the ‘let windows know what is best for me’ settings Did those hoops still remain?
Oh boy do they! I actually laughed out loud when I saw the first one. I considered my self a Windows novice going into this. I’d put this toe dip to optimising a Windows 10 machine off for a while. And to launched immediately into a run command to make a change in the registry is hilarious.
I ended up installing a couple of utility programmes. Uninstalling a stealth install from an antivirus company before finally watching some YouTube videos reviewing the make and model finding a vid demonstrating how to install a new memory strip to upgrade from 2GB to 8GB.
I’ll be pleased to return to work on Monday to my low maintenance iMac!
Video Playlist for the useful vids.
Search - Physical Memory high usage Windows 10
Utilities Applications
- CC cleaner
- PC cleaner
- Wise Memory