Sneinton Feed

Going global to get local

Finding my feet.

With my passion for social media, my love of networking, building web presence to enable businesses to do this too is very fulfilling. Most of my conversations begin with "what is Facebook?" or "What's the point of a blog?" or "Blog? Whats that then." So I begin to tell them about my journey of discovery in the world of Web 2.0 or more simply the interactive, community built web.

On Thursday March 20 I attended a networking event held by my local business community "Sneinton Business Forum" because during a conversation several weeks before with one of the organisers David Jones I was invited to give a 15 presentation about social media, Facebook and LinkedIn etc. and how I was using it to enhance my web presence and a web site I have created for a local group of Artists, "Sneinton Artists".  The usefulness for me is the integration of social media in to a website to create dynamic rich content at very little cost. The under lying question that always comes back at me is "How will it make me money?" I usually begin with ... it's primarily about adding value. To hold their attention I have had to give a lot of thought to how that translates in to cold hard cash.

The irony as I talked to these people, defending my patch, dawned on me. If it hadn't been for Facebook I wouldn't have been there at all!

Sneinton_artists_posting_2 Back in Nov 2007 I created a Facebook group for the Sneinton Artists to promote their activities to people on Facebook. The idea was to build a following and attract people to our exhibitions. I posted the link to the group on several Sneinton groups already up and running including Sneinton Festival (47 members) Sneinton (168 memebrs) the main two I found. I found these and others with a Sneinton connection with the Facebook search. I had gone global to got local. From these posts and the events information posted on the facebook group itself Shona Munro direct messaged me and David Jones attended our Spring Showcase on Feb 24. It was at the exhibition that I discoved this forum of business people here in my very own community. It was their proactive attention and interest in Sneinton Artists and their curiosity in social media that made me want to engage with them. And so I came to present at the Forum.