Virtual Worlds Feed

‘Leaving Do’ for AltSpace @39 Whitfield Street

Farewell AltSpace @39WhitfieldStreet - cover

The sun is setting on Cybersalon’s first metaverse presence built in AltSpace. In November 2022 Cybersalon used this VR and Browser-accessed metaverse to augment a virtual attendance option to launch a self published book of short  speculative fiction stories in a book called “22 Ideas about the Future”.

Guardian_OnLine_Sep_08_1994In 1994 the first internet cafe, Cyberia, a new point of presence came into existence after several false starts so a Guardian article from Sept 1994 reflects. (see article right)  article link

In July 2022 a project began to take the legacy and reminiscence storytelling of Cyberia to a new dimension, the metaverse, with its Cybersalon present day maverick, tech savvy community. AltSpace @39 Whitfield Street was conceived. Other platforms were considered but in the autumn of 2022 Microsoft’s VR metaverse AltSpace offered the most comprehensive facilities for hosting events.

The intention was always to make 39 Whitfield Street a multi-presence metaverse experience. Establishing the AltSpace presence was the first toe in the water. This farewell soiree begins in AltSpace and will retire for a first look and conversation in it's 22 Ideas Lounge in metaverse platform Spatial.

39 Whitfield Street in AltSpace is a faithful reconstruction of Cybersalons first bricks and mortar Cyber Cafe “Cyberia” which opened at 39 Whitfield Street in Central London in 1994. Cybersalong hosted 3 events in AltSpace before the announcement came on Jan 10th 2023 that the platform would sunset on March 10th. So before our fun starts it is to come to an end, in AltSpace at least.

Join us for a farewell to 39 Whitfield Street in AltSpace. Bring your 39 Whitfield Street Cyberia recollections. Last chance to don a Paper Hat and visit Hallidonto’s exhibited works. Join Eva and a few choice guest speakers for this end of the world soiree!

This is not the end! 

Thursday 9th March 

7pm - 9pm

Event Programme / timeline

18.30 - Zoom opens  (Audience Zoom link - On Request)

18.45 - AltSpace event destination opens - Destination Code - TXA241

19.10 - Welcome

19.05 - Soiree

20.00 - Chill out and Chat (AltSpace)

20.30 - Thank you and Farewell Altspace

20.30 - Spatial 22 Ideas Immersive Lounge opens

22.00 - Cybersalon Event Ends

Digital Venue Reccy - 01 - Kumospace

I’ve had the idea to produce and host a digital field trip. To take a small group of producers, creative producers and self producing artists and visit a number of digital venues or look extensively at one platform both for an audience experience and performing or screened content perspective.

Following Chris Grady’s Show Me producers festival of workshops a fellow producer reached out to me and we started meeting to explore digital venues and perception around audience and production engagement.

We have AltSpace, SecondLife, GatherTown, RoBlox, to name a few on the immersive list. There are 2D, 3D and VR options. We visited Kumospaces. 

Kumospaces are 2D top down themed rooms. Participants inhabit small circular video portals moved around by the keyboard arrow keys. There is an interesting propinquity compulsion to place your portal window on furniture, lounge chairs or bar stools in the roof terrace there are pool inflatables.

Go drop in on my PCM Adventures Hall. 


But you need to be aware of first time obstacles to entry. This is surprisingly common... the audience the account holder invites don’t have a guest entrance or a indicator that if they are visiting and don’t want the sales pitch to sign up it’s not obvious how you enter the space you expect to enter by clicking direct link you give out as host.

No sign up or download should take the invited guest to the optimal point of entry. If it’s unique selling point is easy access and immersive simplicity I expect to click a link and it take me to where I need to be.

There are 2 options the admin can set for entry. Guests can be required to Register to enter or enter using a text link to Continue without an account.

FDF0D743-0B49-4900-9ACC-F27DBD9EBFE1Once a guests has entered without an account the browser resolved the direct URL as expected.

On arrival the guest enters with the camera tight on thier oen video portal. For a first arrival this can be disorientating. In the bottom navigation is a Map.

A full overview of the space is revealed with the placement of fellow guests displayed.


I'd like to see a better enterence interface for guests. The capability to embed kumospace to a page would be nice too.

What I do like is the special audio. Move towards the grand piano and lounge musak can be heard. Getting a digi-drink at the bar and watch it slowly dry. Nice early days touches.

Very interested in the development of Kumospace.

References & Context.

Competitors to Kumospace -

Co Founder Brett Martin

Kumospace Venture Capital and Private Equity Financings

Digital Field Trip - Legend Quest

VR stole my video game future! Only in 2019 when Oculus Quest opened the VR door again to me. 

Back in the early 90’s I would ride pillion over to Nottingham with a friend to play the Game and work on the front desk for game time. Legend Quest was situated at the bottom of Goose Gate just before the junction diagonally from Berlin’s.

Timeframe: 00.00 - 05.26

My Legend Quest keys. 
It was the early experiences with mind enthralling opportunities like Legend Quest in the early 90’s that led my technology fascination in performative suspended disbelief. The forest decor evolved over a period of a few years. Finding the YouTube video was a real find. 

The immersive 360 taught me to look up before entering a VR room when navigating a level. It was a time before my conscious time. This new reflection on my technological perspective. Discovering my legacy. I have its ephemera in boxes.

VR is coming, has come of age? It’s a major influence in my theatre producing. This series of Digital Field Trip blogs are plotting my memories through moments I touched technology that changed my thinking.

Watch this space! #IgniteLiv

On the 25th Feb, I am presenting a mini-presentation at Liverpool Ignite 40 Digital.

20 slides lasting 20 secs to produce a tight talk timeframe.

Mine will have a QR code that comes here.

The event is drawing close, I'll be going live this Thursday evening via YouTube and Facebook.

Watch here on YouTube

The write up will be here too.

Full set of slides. Not used Slideshare for a while.

#ACMC21 - Dates in the Diary - pt2

Arts & Cultural Management Conference: Revisiting Boarders conference later this month is taking place over 3 days (28-30 January). Participants are invited to deepen the conversation through the key themes:

REsilience // REinterpret // REimagine

I am seriously missing the intellectual stimulation of conference. A presented program of speakers all top of their fields, influencers in the professional communities. I’ve organised conferences, hosted events, spoken on stage, delivered workshops, anchored live-streams, live blogged and simply attended.

The pure attendance is so very elusive. I learnt in the early social media and networking days that you can’t be in 2 places at once. Experiences are left wanting.

I guest blogged I live tweeted as an interpretive channel. Take in a talk and listen for tweet-able gems. I’ve moderated hashtags and curated feeds. Reading the flow and filling the gaps again being an I interpretive channel.

Some speakers require your full attention. Some speakers need absorbing. Some speakers demand amplification. As an attendee you can not do both. I do not enjoy doing both as neither objective is accomplished effectively.

Walking that line of being present  on the ground and engagement in the cloud has fundamentally changed with the decimation of the professional events industry following the dawn of Covid.

I have had my interests in corporate hospitality events and the entertainment industry. I have sat the audiences of both. I have served both. I have been invited to talk. And all have been rewarding.

Now is a new time and a new dawn. No one has any less to say or share. It’s all digital now.

In 2014 my biggest livestream commission took me to Reykjavik

I was trying to market the extended audience concept and had returned it to a ferocious back burner with the heat of hope turned up high.

The Arts & Audiences extended audience experience session archive is still live, is still a vibrantly connected to its 2014 content as its is to you reviewing the legacy.

I want the attendee experience. The digital experience.

I have my first conference of 2021. Speakers I want to hear speak. Fellow attendees in theory feel the same. This combination is fire.

“#ACMC21 aims to provide an engaging space for students and emerging professionals to explore, question, and discuss what borders mean in today’s world, especially within the arts and culture field.”

It is from a post by networked connection and a conference speaker John Whall I discovered the conference in my LinkedIn feed. I will be blocking out my schedule saving on travel and accommodation but hoping to connect through the hashtag and selected conference platform while staying at home.

  1. Review the programme
  2. Identify ‘must be present for’ sessions
  3. Looking for the conference corridors / break out social opportunities
  4. Booking my ticket

Will there be conference corridors? I expect so, If not I may create one. At least for friend and network colleagues to come and meet. Hey, if the conference organisers read this they might ask me to create or host one.


I’m particularly interested in QUAD's Digital Participation Curator John Whall a close to home contact who I have not seen in a really long time and is a valued contact.

The conference is a joint initiative with The European Network on Cultural Management and Policy (ENCATC), aiming to foster innovative and necessary conversations with the theme of REvisiting Borders.  

It even has an Audience Europe Network essence  with several familiar names including Steven Hadley with Audience Agency, phenomenal speakers and practitioners. Steven’s Democracy of Audiences interest is particularly close to my heart.

The press released post shared by John thrilled even further as his presentation is wandering into the realm of VR too.

“Under the conference themes of REsilience, REinterpret and REimagine, John will be delving into virtual reality (VR) to deliver a practical presentation around ‘Participant-Led Engagement and the Reimagining of Exhibitions and Collections Using Immersive Technologies’. The session will be delivered in VR and demonstrate live research in how galleries and museums can work with community groups in changing how we create, see and show exhibitions using VR and AR (augmented reality). “

Quoting John the release added: “QUAD has been part of developing some exciting VR and AR content over the past few years. From exhibiting artist to partnerships with technology companies, my role in this time has involved exploring where communities and socially engaged arts practice can not only be a part of the processes involved, but also provide new creative opportunities for participants to create new work, as well as reimagine existing ones. The 2020 lockdown showed that there is a huge interest in showing and seeing exhibitions and collections in digital spaces, but what I’m really interested in is how those that visit those spaces can have an impact on them. ” 

So exited.

Visit the ACMC website for more information on attending the conference -  


The 2021 ACMC is a joint initiative with ENCATC, aiming to foster innovative and necessary conversations with the theme of REvisiting Borders. #ACMC21 aims to provide an engaging space for students and emerging professionals to explore, question, and discuss what borders mean in today’s world, especially within the arts and culture field.

ACMC 2021 Full Schedule

From across the world selected speakers will deliver presentations, panel discussions, interactive workshops, poster presentations, artistic performances and networking sessions at ACMC 2021.

See the full event agenda

Source Reference links

Bitcoin Blossoms #Cryptocurrency



My initial investment of £50 in a Bitcoin Mining venture is now worth, at the time of writing this post, £6,271.27


In 2014 I live-streamed for Cybersalon “Where is Bitcoin 2.0 Heading?” 


Video player with all the event speakers available on the linked page.


I wanted to understand and observe the cryptocurrency phenomenon. Blockchain and Crypto perspectives have been the greatest learnings. 


I currently have 2 points of presence for my Crypto experience.


- Blockchain - The App

- Celsius Wallet


I am not transacting in crypto. My value is split between Bitcoin, Cel and Stellar blockchains. Receiving interest on the Celsius platform has been the catalyst for the growth in value.


Ultimately it’s true worth in only unlocked if converted in to goods and services. I have always been on the look out for trading potential. I have never been paid in Bitcoin. I have never purchased anything using my cryptocurrency. A list of opportunities to  tick off in 2021.


My first encounter with digital currency was in SecondLife where it’s in-world currency Linden Dollars has an exchange rate to the British Pound. Yes I still have land in Second Life.


Anyone want to come build. anyone looking for a virtual space? SL Avatar - Katie Reve


Livescribe - old media meet new technology

"Don't add technology to way you do things. Change the way you do things when you know what technology can do" A quote I use throughout my presentations and workshops. Its part of what I refer to as foundation thinking. Thanks go to Marcus Romer, artistic director of Pilot Theatre for this line of genius.

Way back in 2007 at the launch of the newly negotiated Equity ITC contract agreement at Hampstead Theatre I had conversation that ignited my social media journey and restructured by business. It's Marcus's fault that I joined Facebook! The conversation and consequent collaboration took me in to Second Life and entwined my life irrevocably with this social media phenomenon.

I upgrade my technology when I discover features or learn of functions my current tool set or equipment can't provide. This has driven my mobile phone upgrades and it has now inspired my upgrade from paper note book to Live Scribe. - cool little pen thing for those that take notes.

I can still write notes and draft blog posts. Now I can transfer the text to my computer, archive and search my notebooks. With the MyScribe app I can covert my written notes in to editable text.

2010 the conversation has begun… virtual worlds and social spaces

You would like to know a little about my real world and virtual world cross over events I imagine? (Was my response to my first lead of the decade enquiring about my event facilitation skills. )

Very few people in my current environment will give virtual worlds any time. I however am passionate about them as business assets (even if only a 3D extension of a 2D website or social space) As a result I'm little reserved in who I offer my Virtual World service to. Cynicism and inflexible thinking towards the social web is a tough nut to crack.

The current leap of faith is social media. Businesses are running headlong in to a light they spent most of 2008 and 09 declaring as an absurd waste of time but now it's becoming mainstream everyone is at it for better or worse!

Virtual worlds are still a leap too far here and now. I'd be happy to make my skills and experiences available to your organisation if you require input.

… I continued.

In SecondLife I have been Custodian and Curator of Pilot Theatre's 3D presence since 2007. It's dormant but the company feel it's important to keep it, even mothballed as it is. I am hoping to spend a little time updating and housekeeping in the year to come. The location is Pilot
Theatre in SL search.

I have curated events in SL as a host in-world and as a coordinator facilitating chat streams across group chat windows for live music events within SL running back channels for the event team and venue chat for the audience/delegates and live streamed real world events in A basic event includes monitoring and engaging a multi-streamed Twitter audience too. Most importantly I'm an approachable entity in the off-line, virtual world or online environment.

I've been described as an Internet Fairy, Event Guide, and Ambassador, essentially I help my client’s participants/event delegates new to online social spaces/community or event, online or virtual, experience the events and ultimately help them feel at ease with the technological interface. That is the highest hurdle! Just like the magic of theatre, virtual worlds require participants to suspend disbelieve and become immersed. You can't dip in your toe you have to give yourself over to it for the time the experience lasts.

Where do I come from? (This was my attempt to quantify the circumstances throughout my career that bought me to the point I am today)  I was a theatre stagemanager before moving in to digital tech development as the social media phenomenon exploded on to the scene. Here I found my niche as an online and virtual event curator and network custodian.

Search "pcmcreative" in Google and you will find my digital footprint.

I use the research, resource and acquisitioning skills from my theatre days. "Attention to detail and fiscal compromising scales" to balance budgetary restraints capitalising on freemium social media tools, services and platforms to develop digital development strategies for creative organisations and creative thinking businesses.

A virtual world asset is a development I offer to clients who see beyond the 2D realm of webpages. Most frequently it is 2D web development and enhancement I am consulted on. Clients want to bring social media consumers to their websites to purchase goods and services.

The time of the virtual community will emerge, some are here now. Social Media consumption is the current tidal rip.

I'd welcome digital development and virtual world commissions and be delighted to discuss any area of interest to you (and to you blog reader – thanks for reading this far) from my response here.

Aside to blog readers... "When did your conversation begin?"